Peacock Inachis io
A common species throughout the UK.
Peacock Inachis io - typical recto

typical recto
Peacock Inachis io - typical verso

typical verso
Peacock Inachis io - typical recto

typical recto
Peacock Inachis io - typical verso

typical verso
Click on any of the images to view a larger image and comparison specimen.
Peacock Inachis io - irenea

typical recto
ab. irenea Pruffer 1921
The forewings have a small blackish spot above the inner margin, corresponding to that seen in Aglais urticae.
Peacock Inachis io - diopthalmica

typical recto
ab. diopthalmica Garbini 1883
Upperside hindwings with a little blue spot between the ocellus and the angle of the tail.
Peacock Inachis io - nigriocellata

typical recto
ab. nigriocellata Reuss 1911
The hindwings ocellus practically all black, with only four or five separated blue spots.
Peacock Inachis io - teloides-clara

typical recto
ab. teloides-clara Reuss 1911
This has the characters of ab. teloides but with the ground colour orange. According to the description, this colour seems a bit overboard and is most probably meant to be with an orange tint as shown in this specimen.
The description for ab. teloides Reuss 1910 is as follows:
Forewing ocellus with the blue on its outer edge not divided by any black veins but forming a continuous blue band. The ground colour is darker than normal, and the hindwing ocellus shows more blue than normal.
Peacock Inachis io - prochnovi, extreme form

typical recto
An extreme form of the ab. prochnovi Pronin 1925
The forewing costal blotches united, the upper part invading the ocellus as in ab.belasarius leaving only the outer half normal.
Hindwings ocellus with the black edged blue part rather smaller than usual with little back in it, the surrounding whitish suffusion of the size of a normal ocellus.
Peacock Inachis io - mesoides-brunnea

typical recto
ab. mesoides-brunnea Reuss 1911
With the characters of mesoides but with the ground colour brown.
The description for mesoides Reuss 1910 as follows:
Forewing ocellus with the blue on its outer side divided into spots by the black veins running through it. The ground colour is lighter and the hindwing ocellus has two heavy black bands running through it.
Peacock Inachis io - trans ab. fischeri

typical recto
trans ab. fischeri Standfuss 1892
Not quite a full fischeri, I have given the description for such.
The blue of the outer half of the forewings ocellus replaced by reddish-brown, and a row of small blue spots, starting at the apex and continuing downwards to the tornus just inside the dark marginal band which is darker brown than usual. These blue spots are not to be confused with the blue ones beneath the ocellus, they are marginal, normally there is no trace of them.
Peacock Inachis io - fischeri

typical recto
ab. fischeri Standfuss 1892
The blue of the outer half of the forewings ocellus replaced by reddish-brown, and a row of small blue spots, starting at the apex and continuing downwards to the tornus just inside the dark marginal band which is darker brown than usual.
These blue spots are not to be confused with the blue ones beneath the ocellus, they are marginal, normally there is no trace of them.
Peacock Inachis io - An extreme form of fischeri

typical verso
An extreme form of the ab. fischeri Standfuss 1892
This is the underside of an extreme form of this aberration. The below description refers to the upperside only.
The blue of the outer half of the forewings ocellus replaced by reddish-brown, and a row of small blue spots, starting at the apex and continuing downwards to the tornus just inside the dark marginal band which is darker brown than usual. These blue spots are not to be confused with the blue ones beneath the ocellus, they are marginal, normally there is no trace of them.
Peacock Inachis io - iocaste

typical recto
ab. iocaste Urech 1897
The yellow scales between the large black costal blotch and the basal blotch are replaced partly by black and partly by red-brown.
The hindwing ocellus is replaced by small spots formed by blue and black scales.
Peacock Inachis io - antigone

typical recto
ab. antigone Fischer 1896
The forewing upper black costal blotch extends upwards and invades the ocellus, leaving only the outer half of it normal.
Hindwings with the normal ocellus reduced to two small black edged spots, joined together, and with a whitish suffusion surrounding it, which is the same size as a normal ocellus.
Peacock Inachis io - belisaria

typical recto
ab. belisaria Oberthur 1889
This name refers to the black costal spots of the forewings being joined together, with the upper part partly invading the ocellus, leaving only the outer part of it normal.
The hindwings are without ocellus, the blue and black of the ocellus is entirely absent, leaving only a yellowish-grey lightening on a very dark background.
Peacock Inachis io - belisaria + brunnea

typical recto
ab. belisaria Oberthur 1889 + ab. brunnea Reuss 1911
ab. belisaria refers to the black costal spots of the forewings being joined together, with the upper part partly invading the ocellus, leaving only the outer part of it normal.
The hindwings are without ocellus, the blue and black of the ocellus is entirely absent, leaving only a yellowish-grey lightening on a very dark background.
ab. brunnea refers to the chocolate-brown groundcolour.
Peacock Inachis io - prochnovi

typical recto
ab. prochnovi Pronin 1925
The forewing costal blotches united, the upper part invading the ocellus as in ab.belasarius leaving only the outer half normal.
Hindwings ocellus with the black edged blue part rather smaller than usual with little back in it, the surrounding whitish suffusion of the size of a normal ocellus.
Peacock Inachis io - semi-ocellata

typical recto
ab. semi-ocellata Frowhawk 1938
The hindwings in this variation has the blue ocellus reduced to two small separated spots which are surrounded by the usual light suffusion.
The forewings are normal.
Peacock Inachis io - exoculata

typical recto
ab. exoculata Weymer 1878
One of the earliest named aberrations of this butterfly.
Hindwing ocellus absent, only the light suffusion remaining.
Peacock Inachis io - extrema

typical recto
ab. extrema Fischer 1898
The hindwings are a deep black without any markings.
The forewings are similar, with the three black costal spots and the broadened margin completely united with one another so that the whitish spots fail completely. The black is extended downwards across the central area to the inner margin and there united with a black spot in the first intercostal space.
The original specimen described by Fischer shows all the wings entirely black.
Peacock Inachis io - ab. nov

typical recto
ab. nov
A very dramatic unnamed extreme aberration of the Peacock.
Peacock Inachis io - ab. nov

typical recto
ab. nov
An unnamed variation, showing a break in the hindwing blue ocelli.